- Lesson 1: Course Guidelines
- Lesson 2: Devices and Short Computer Graphics History
- Lesson 3: Graphics Pipeline and Review of Mathematical Concepts
- Lesson 4: Geometric Transformations
- Lesson 5: Change of Basis and Word to Viewing Transformations
- Lesson 6: Window to Viewport Mapping and Line Clipping
- Lesson 7: Projections and Projective Transformations
- Lesson 8: 3D Clipping and Homogeneous Coordinates
- Lesson 9: Polygons and Scan Conversion
- Lesson 10: Algorithms for Hidden Surface Removal
- Lesson 11: Radiometric Quantities, Material Appearance Concepts and Scene Graph
- Lesson 12: Local Illumination Models and Shading Algorithms
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Tutorials (from previous terms)
Last modified on February 25, 2025.